Monday, June 11, 2007

So Who Exactly is the Supervisor?

Hello and welcome to the liver blog. I'm so glad you could come over because I have a few nice little notes to pass along to you.

First of all, I wanted to give a great big THANKS to all of you for coming by and for leaving messages. I love them. A special thanks to caring bridge friend, Kristine, for the nice note in the guest book (scroll down and click). When you start a care page site, then you start reading other people's sites, and well, then you start getting attached to cute little kids with pudgy thighs and suction tubes who you haven't even met. And the adorable big sister. Hi Monet! Hi Marleigh!

Secondly, I wanted to say that I won't be writing much this week because my colleague from LWR HQ is here and we're "planning" (wink, wink, aka going to the lake, don't tell anyone in Baltimore). Anyway, here's the real secret. . .supposedly I'm Becky's supervisor but between you and me, she's really my boss. Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. It's so great to work with someone with such superior thinking and strategy skills. It is a gift from God. Truly.

Lastly for tonight, in honor of Becky, I wanted to say a little something about our mutual friend -- the one and only Sarah Ford -- speaking of care page friends and supervisors. Sarah said I could post pictures of her cutie-pie little grand daughter, Kimora.

One day I am going to write a true novel about Sarah's epic life.

Then you will know why she is so funny, compassionate, and wise;

And why she knows exactly what to say when your husband's liver decides to leave;

And when she came to love places like the Congo and Central Africa Republic;

And where she would not tolerate jokes about malaria;

And how she came back to the U.S. with two sons.

How she lost Faustin; How Urbain brought her a grandbaby.

Not to mention her ability to negotiate with, oh, say, Procter and Gamble, and folks like that about increasing their fair trade product line. And then they do.

It's all about relationships, baby.

From Sarah, "FINALLY, some photos of my beautiful Kimora. "Sweet UB" is of Urbain (UB is his nickname) and Kimora one week after she was born ( b. 8/14/06). It is in the backyard in Maine, on a cool and beautiful summer morning. I can't tell you how amazing it was that day, watching Urbain take care of her, marvel at her, smile for photos (the first time ever , I promise you.) Being a part of Urbain growing from a boy to a man to a father has been a great privilege. (photo above)

"The other photo, "The family", is of Urbain, Darcy, and Kimora on Christmas day. As you know, Christmas is a hard day for us, but we had a happy celebration this year, our first with Kimora. We stayed up very late on Christmas eve, telling Darcy stories about Faustin and about C.A.R. (Central Africa Republic) and it felt quite nice to tell her stories and laugh together, knowing that Kimora was warm and safe and healthy, sleeping near us."

"Thank you for asking for a photo of Kimora -- she has brought us such joy and such renewal to our family. I have to struggle not to be too "Grandma-ish" and foist her picture on everyone!"

Thanks Sarah for the beautiful pictures. And for your beautifully lived life. (PS I tried to make the photos bigger but this is the best I could do.) And speaking as a Christian ~ how cool that just a little baby could bring great joy on Christmas eve.

Thanks again everyone for coming over!

With love, T

P.S. That's what Bob said to me today when I told him about my week with Becky, "So who exactly is the supervisor?" I got my own style. Sofar, it's working. ;-)

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