Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Congregational Vote

To be real honest, I'm nervous about all of this stuff about Bob being someone's associate pastor. I mean, he's been home for years. Years. Home as a stay-at-home dad while I worked. Home as a seminary student who preferred to study at home. Home as in a coma in the living room. And during the time he was sick, well, this is the weird thing, the part that was so special about that is that we were together, almost 24-7. Home together.

And that is about to all change.

I will miss Bob at home. I mean, it's not like we didn't have our times when we wish we had never met each other. Our marital tension can get as good as it gets, yet. . .

So, be careful what you wish for, right?

OK, alright, my office will be in the same building as his, but you know what I mean.

That's probably it, change. Like when you have a baby, and it's so glorious, yet everything around you has changed and so you grieve your life as you knew it. You might even not want your baby at first. Some women never get over that. Postpartum depression is nothing to poo poo. It's the seismic shift in dynamics that brings the grief.

On this Sunday morning, I would like to ask for your prayers for another family who is waiting, waiting, waiting for the call. Please pray for Steve and Kristi Broers. Pray for the conversion of those who tightly hold the keys to the lives of this whole family, including small children. Pray for understanding and wisdom and positive action. What is happening to them is an abuse of power and there seems to be no recourse. Where is their advocate?

Bob and I just talked on the phone. It's official. The congregation of St. Johns Lutheran Church in Des Moines has voted almost unanimously to call him as their associate pastor.

With love, T


Anonymous said...

congratulations! now the question is when? when do you start? when do you know about that beautiful kitchen?


PS I hope you are feeling much better now Terri. Do you get to take your magic thyroid pill again?

Anonymous said...

Christ Church Catonsville will be so happy when they hear your good news because we know how very lucky they are to have you and your family. So when is the ordination, when is the move, are the "kids" excited about a new school? I'll continue to check in and share the news at church. How are you both feeling physically? I hope all is well. Baltimore Cindy

Bobbie said...

Yahoo!!! We here at MCLC are so happy for all of you. New church, new home, new life!!! God is Good!
Let us know when the ordination will happens.


Anonymous said...

The text of yesterday's sermon was Psalm 82: "all the foundations of the earth are shaken." So many levels of truth in those Psalms!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Lets just prasise the Lord.
The Day of your Ordiantion will be a great day all the angels in heaven will be singing.
love Pat

Kristy said...

Hallelujah! What a joyous and crazy time of getting everything ready and together. We are thrilled for you all! And it's all for real - no longer a distant dream! Praise God!

Thanks for including us in your blog and requesting prayers for us. It means so much!
