Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Call

Associate Pastor
St. Johns Lutheran Church (see all pics)
Des Moines, Iowa


The Call Committee and church council have unanimously approved to call Bob as their associate pastor. On August 19 the whole congregation votes and then the call is officially extended. Bob has already told them that he will accept. I said that even if the call was not extended, the Call Committee ran such a first-rate process that it was healing just to take part. The Call Committee offered to continue to act as a support group for our family after we arrive if we wanted them to. We do. I got the impression that the group kind of bonded in this very long process. Bob first interviewed with them, I don't know, last April or May. They started working on their congregational profile almost a year ago.

I'm really trying to temper my excitement until the official vote on August 19, when it's truly final. But as you all know, the church is not a building, it's the people. And so I have to tell you why it took about 6 hours or so for my preconceived notions about Des Moines to *poof* vanish. And why I do believe that this is a spirit led process and that it's really, really the right thing.

Italian wine bar for dinner. Duncan Hunter for president.

So when Ed, a member of the call committee, and his wife Mary, toured us all around Des Moines we happened across a Middle Easten Restaurant. "We love Middle Eastern food!" I say all excitedly. Then of course we tell them about our two brother-in-laws from Egypt and how they're all there for the month or so.

Then Ed drove us by the Egyptian restaurant. And he told us how he is an engineer and goes to Egypt and Saudi a lot for business. Mary is an artist. In fact, I can't believe how many times the word "art" turned up in so many conversations with various people. You should read the bio of the organist. They have a writing team with published writers and university English professors. I love music. I love art. I love writing.

For lunch Jim, the Call Committee Chair Extraordinaire, took us to the Drake Diner. I think he planned this. It's true what they say about the presidential candidates politiking in diners in Iowa. On this day all the Republican candidates were in town for a debate. After my BLT I left the booth to powder my nose. Upon return the would-be first lady of Duncan Hunter was chatting with Bob and Jim right there as they finished up their plates. Her husband's platform is something like Pro Life, Pro Death, Pro Walls, Pro Hate, Pro God. Bob was so happy I was in the bathroom.

My platform is simple too. Pro What Would Jesus do.

Anyway, when we got to the church to chat with the whole Call Committee there happened to be a moving truck parked on the street in front of the church. The Call Committee hadn't even met me yet and they started laughing and joking that Bob and I had come with all our stuff. They were so kind and interesting and full of life.

Well, I guess this isn't all about me, but those are just some of my impressions. And I'm in week four of sans-thyroid and am crawling to the finish line. Next week is my radioactive iodine treatment, and then can start back up on the replacement pills. My doctor said that it will kick in fairly quickly. Good thing because I'm starting to operate like a kaleidoscope in shades of grey. It's really hard to pin down anything -- a decision, a task, a thought, etc. My doctor said that the thyroid is like a clock and without it the timing of all bodily systems go haywire. I've been OK but am noticing the haywire this week.

Anyway, we had a lovely, lovely time with the Call Committee of St. Johns Lutheran Church in Des Moines. They really know how to make a beaten down seminary couple believe that the Spirit is truly at work in the call process. They really know how to make a pastor's family believe that the Spirit is telling them that there is a place prepared for them in Des Moines, Iowa. They've even thought through my LWR office space.

Ed and Mary recommended an Italian wine bar for dinner. Bob and I made our way there, later after a quick rest. We basked. We just flat out basked. And ate Italian food that we couldn't pronounce and listened to a torchy singer croon in low tones.

But now, I am not going to write anything else about this call until after the congregational vote on August 19. Even though there is so much more I could say. Because you don't even know yet about Rachel Thorsen Mithelman, the Senior Pastor who will be Bob's supervisor and colleague. Ordination plans are underway. I'm bugging Bob to come up with a date, like quick, so I can tell you all, so you can come.

With love, T


Anonymous said...

Terri, Bob and Baby Pandas,
That is such great, great news. Although it's not official until the 19th, it feels really good. I'm so pleased for you all. Des Moines is a lovely place. I spent loads of time there while working for Wells Fargo. I lived in a corporate apartment in West Des Moines and got to know the city really well. You'll find great joy there. Congratulations and much love,

Anonymous said...

I am very excited for Bob and the rest of you. It seems like this road has been long. Bob will be a great pastor. I am just disappointed that he won't be in St. Paul because I was all ready to join his church! I wish you well on this new adventure.

Lisa (The Woodbury Lisa)

Bobbie said...

When I received the call from the call committee I wanted to say "no, no I don't want Bob and Terri to go to Des Moines!! I want them to stay here!!" but I know you have to go where God leads you. God bless and I am sure the vote will be positive and we will be going to IOWA for an ordination!!

Thanks Amanda!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a nice surprise! Praise, Glory and honor be to God who has made this possible. I think it's OK to be excited without reservation even before Aug 19 since with the Hebrew writer's definition of faith "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (11:1)."
We are so happy for you, especially since this seems like a place you all are excited about, not just because of the need. We look forward to Bob's ordination and even though you will soon be leaving us, for which we'll miss you all, at least Iowa is not too far.
Lucy Mungai & family.

Sue-s said...

Yippie Skippy! Skippy del Yippie! Yippie Skippy Alleluia Amen!

Anonymous said...

Wahoooooooooo! Yeah team! Aaron and I are soooo thrilled for all of you -- so well deserved. And Rachel too -- holy cow -- if I knew any sports terminology, I'm sure I'd come up with an analogy...help me Rob, is the appropriate term grand slam? Anyway -- get that ordination date nailed down, and, if at all possible, I'd love for Aaron and I to attend. XO, LB

Anonymous said...

Though it's been a long time, Sue brings me news of your life. Love your blog! I remember Rachel as she attended an ELCA World Hunger conference back when I was there. She struck me as a bright, passionate and darn good pastor. What a great team she and Bob will make! Laurel Hensel

Sarah said...

Bob & Terri

YEA! What excellent news! I am in Malawi and a bit behind the news but can't wait to hear all about it when I return.


much love

Kristy said...

Terri & Bob -

That is just tremendous news! You must feel the hugest weight lifted! The church looks just lovely and it sounds like the people that fill it are even more lovely! I'm glad you have faith that this is a spirit led process! Send a little of that our way. Again, congratulations! We are so happy for you all!

Kristy Broers

~moe~ said...


Anonymous said...

Judging by that top picture it looks more like they are calling a stone epithet of Jesus... Are they thinking about calling you too, Bob?? :)

Or do I need to call you "Pastor Bob" now. Or since you're from the east "The Reverend Grand Poobah Ordinand Proper Speirs" (that is, "Speirs" pronounced "Spee-ahs").

You are going to be one terrific preacher of the Gospel to those ears waiting to hear in Des Moines. God has a purpose and plan for you and He has a use for you yet. The promise of new life for you definitely did not return empty. I love God's promises... He really lives up to His vocation of giving... :) Praise be to God for your liver and heart, for your entire life, and for the many ways you are about to be used - as a husband, father, son, friend, and finally now, as Pastor... Pastor Spee-ahs, that is.


Anonymous said...

How often I say "Our God is an awesome God" and now I say it again, Amen!
I have printed the information and will share it with Christ Church Catonsville. We continue to pray for your family.
Okay, now that everyone has had at least one trip to the hospital do you guys think you can just stop it?!
I will continue to check in.
Terri, I hope you are serious about taking all the entries from this blog and the Care Pages and writing a book. Your words and Bob's words need to be shared.
God's blessings, Baltimore Cindy

KK's Mom said...

Congratulations, Pastor Bob!! And Terri and the kids too! The church looks absolutely stunning, and you will be a wonderful addition to the parish leaders!
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!
Sharon and family