Thursday, June 7, 2007

Power Surge, Power Outage, Powers that Be Not Afraid

Hello friends and welcome to the liver blog. Thanks so much for coming over.

Don't you just want to strangle change? Just when we were all really loving the post-thyroid surgery power surge, it had to go and turn into the pre-heart surgery power outage panic scramble. Back and forth like a pendulum. Moving forward, backing up. Going forward, backing up. Thinking forward, backing up. Next cliffhanger: June 21 is last day of this liveslative session. Then we go back into haitus of the heart. Fully back in session end-o-August or so. Forward, forward, FORWARD. . .drop.

I am sending a thousand thanks to Phil and my colleagues at LWR. Oopsie, looks like I'm going to take some more time off again. I've lobbed so many projects to the fabulous Phil and he just catches them like a pro. So many projects that he has to remind me what I've asked him to do. I've asked him to help me think. And thank all the volunteers we know about who have done stuff this past year on behalf of the mission of LWR. With very little of anything from me, who is supposed to be supporting and nurturing them. Aren't you glad I'm not your supervisor? (That doesn't count you, Becky :-)

And eight days without my husband! What is that about? I made it through 6 months without his liver, but I cannot make it eight days without him. I mean, who will unplug the toilet and make dinner and handle absolutely everything while I lob projects to Phil? Plus, the truth is Bob's not 100 percent even though he looks it and mostly acts it. So it's a crying shame, he had to go and cancel his trip to NYC. Sorry everyone! I'm really, really sorry. It's just been one of those years.

If you are really sick and tired of us being sick and tired, I totally understand if you leave this dog gone blog and never come back. I really do.

And for the rest of you. . .well, what can I say. Thanks so much for hanging in there with us. I guess we're just entering month # something of a reminder that we need YOU, our friends, neighbors, family, colleagues, prospective colleagues. I promise to God and to everyone, we will never ever forget that.

OK, let's lighten up here. Let's see. . .lighten up, Aidan is taking a play bath, I'll go and ask him for a joke. Be right back. . .I'm back. Here's the joke:

Question: What did the booger boy say when he bonked his head and everyone started to laugh?

Answer: It Snot funny.

Laters, gators.

With love, T


Sarah said...


Hang in there -- imagine how wonderful when heart, thyroid, and liver are all healthy and back to being everyday organs!

Lots of love, thoughts, and prayers for you all,

Anonymous said...

Hello all,
Sorry about my little absence...I just got wrapped up in nonesense. And Plato's Republic, which is the complete opposite of nonesense. I am making fruit salad for 40 people tomorrow (nice) and contemplating calling in sick to morning soup kitchen (not nice) and hoping that you are okay (not nice enough) and trying to figure out a way to come help (would be nice if it happened). I just wanted to say hello and send my love/greetings/kisses/laughs/hugs/massages/yoga baby-sitting time/special babysitter's reading voice/fruit salad...hope today goes well. (Next time someone asks you how you are, answer with peachy! I've been doing that all afternoon, and I have to say, it's quite a welcome change from 'good' and 'fine'...other optional responses include: swell, dandy, blueberry-ish, and "good but I need a babysitter"...which, if it's the last one, I am ALL OVER IT!!!) Kisses, Lani

Terri Mork Speirs said...

Yoga babysitting time. . .sounds tempting. :-) T