Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baking, Making, and Taking

Do you ever wonder if you're teaching your kids all the stuff they need to know for when they go away, or for when they start believing their friends more than they believe you?

Maybe it's because we have not eaten around the table together all year (aka Bob's diva liver) I'm thinking about this. Ten-years-old today seems older than it used to be. Like it's really 15. Or like 15 on the outside and 5 on the inside. That awkward inbetween time of growing up. You just really start to think about how much kids need, especially the ones who look mature, but really are not. They are just still little kids, but are treated with much higher expectations because they seem so much older. But they are not. They are just children. And they need so much from all of us.

I'm thinking about the fresh idealistic college students I met at Gustavus last Saturday, including the President of the Fair Trade Club who made a special effort to meet me. I'm realizing that Amanda also took in all the information about the cocoa farmers in Ghana. I'm thinking about the boy who is getting kicked out of a church because he started a fight, wondering what he is taking in about the unconditional love of God that is bigger than everything. I'm thinking about the adults who are afraid of the noise and the confusion of the kids. And how we adults teach stuff all the time, whether we want to or not.

Amanda says that her mom makes beds really good. She asked me if I could make her bed today so that it's pretty. I am wishing I could make some kind of a cushion to take us through this stage, which I think will be too long. And yet when it's over, my little girl will be grown up.

Just thinking for today. Thanks so much for coming over to the liver blog. Cheers to all of you.

With love, T


Sarah said...

Hi, Terri:

What great picutures of Amanda! She is definitely starting to look older. It is amazing how time flies. Teen age years can be tough, but there are moments of pure sweetness mixed in...and believe me, some days you need to remember them! :-)

We guarded family dinners as a must -- once Urbain was a teen, it was hard to talk WITH him. At dinner, we wore down his natural teen defenses -- he'd forget, and we'd all be in a good conversation. I miss the days of teen age boys giggling in the kitchen eating me out of house and home. Still, I love where he is at now, too!

I am going to see Kimora and her parents over Easter...I promise to send you some photos of the cutest baby in the world!

Much love to you all,

Terri Mork Speirs said...

Sarah, Thanks so much for your comment. And I didn't even post Amanda's most recent pictures. 2 of these are 2 years old. Sigh. Anyway, I hope you will send me a picture with you and Kimora and give me permission to post it on my blog. You know you have a fan club around here because of all your beautiful and insightful postings on Bob's care page. People ask me, 'Who is this Sarah Ford?' Thanks so much! I'm trying a trip to Baltimore at the end of April. Hope to see you then. Love, T

Sarah said...

Your writing brings out the best in everyone! Of course I would love to see Ms. Kimora in such good company, so I'll send you enough to chose from! Grandma's...
Looking forward to seeing you in April!