Thursday, April 12, 2007

To All My Loyal Fans

All five of you. OK, three of you. Honestly, well, to all one of you. . .Hi Mom! Anyway, to anyone who might be wondering why I haven't written all week when I usually blog as though I have no real life. As it turns out, I do have a life.

It's called going back to work full time. Not only do I have less time to blog, but I have less thoughts to blog. All my brain power, which isn't a whole lot to start with, is going into figuring out my job. Which is great, but just needs lots-o-thinking. The good news is that there is a lot of cool stuff going on at work. More later.

In the meantime, that author Kurt Vonneget died today. In hearing his eulogies on public radio -- which I listened to on the bus to and from work -- he sounded the kind of guy that I would probably like. The kind of author that I would like to read, dark humor, plainspoken and all. He said that if you are destined to write, you just will. And if people read your stuff, they just will. No reason to go way out and plan things. Will need to look him up. Bob said he's read some of his stuff. Evidently, he wanted his gravestone to say something like, "The only proof I need of the existence of God is music."


Trying to get the pandas showered and in bed, so I can go to bed. I'm exhausted. Oh yeah, and one of the pandas and a group of friends have started their own blog. :-)

With love, T

P.S. Got the big Mayo Clinic packet today with Bob's cardiology appointment stuff. First round of tests scheduled for May 7 at 6:35 a.m. HA! They obviously do not know my husband.

1 comment:

Sarah said...


If only you cared enough about LWR to put a link to it in your blog...