Friday, April 20, 2007

Here's to the Anti-Bland

I'm so bummed out that Sanjaya was booted off American Idol this week, according to my yahoo news, anyway. I liked him. Has a lotta guts for a 17-year-old. Definitely not boring.

Speaking of entertainment, I'm TOTALLY loving the squirming going on in the Paul Wolfowitz and Alberto Gonzales camps. I won't go there now, except to say that snakes must slither. Hey, I just had a thought, wouldn't it be something if slimy Simon could judge Wolfy and Gonzy?

On to much nicer things, I'm pleased to say that we had a lovely evening last night at the LWR Virtual University. My LWR 'homecoming' thanks to the encouragement of my wonderful colleague, compliments of Lutheran Volunteer Corps, Phil, who held it all together while I was out during Bob's liver expedition. A leader has been born, and that is Phil. Thanks Phil!!!! Our guest speaker, the amazing John Nunes, talked on global vocation and how we must be careful of a church that is "bland leading the bland." Amen to that. Some of his writings are posted on the Virtual U website. For hope and inspiration, I recommend a little time with his material.

Here's to creativity, spirit, exuberance, and a church that bubbles waaaaaaaaaay outside the box. And to individuals who go outside, even when the church doesn't.

For me right now, I gotta go. Thanks so much for coming over.

With love, T

Q: What did the Buddha say to the hotdog vendor?
A: Make me one with everything.


Anonymous said...

It's time for my nightly check up. I see we're back to the jokes, I will have to dig into my repetoire. I have a new (well, new for me) FANTASTIC artist, if you're missing your Sanjaya...his name is MIKA and you should go to and type in MIKA grace kelly to the search and then listen. It's amazing! As are all of his other songs...interested to see what you think! Have a good Saturday, talk to you soon, bisous, Lani

Anonymous said...

Hi Lani, OK, Bob and I both took at look and listen to MIKA. OK, well, ahem. . .he sure is cute, and can he ever play the piano. But, honestly, Lani, I think we're just too old or something??? Put it this way, I think MIKA's music is too sophisticated for us? Or we just didn't get it? Or perhaps we just have to give him another chance??? Oh well, Lani, we tried. :-) Thanks for sharing. Give us another one. Thanks for coming over. Hope school is going OK for you. Hi to Ma, Pa, and Michael. :-) Love, T

Anonymous said...

Awww, you guys are HILARIOUS!!! My mum and dad like him...but no worries, "cartoon motion" might be a little much at this point. BUT, I don't want to let you here's something that you can't really not like...I mean, everyone likes it in varying degrees. It's also on youtube, but don't really watch (the video is silly), just listen. It's called "Put your records on" by Corinne Bailey Rae. Just type the name in and you should find it. It's really upbeat and cute...ipod material? We shall see...this could be an interesting music-sharing experience. Thoughts? :) Hope today was better, it was nice and sunny in Toronto for the first time since SEPTEMBER!!! SO many people outside, enjoying the weather. I tried to study outside, but that was a miserable failure (much like MIKA...sorry 'bout that). Better luck with this song. Let me know, say hi to the babies...ta ta for now. Bisous, Lani

Anonymous said...

Also, as an afterthought if you're still interested...try Mika's other songs..."love today" or "relax, take it easy" or "big girls you are beautiful." Maybe? I just LOVE him so much, and yes, ahem, he is quite cute. He was born in Lebanon (!!!) and raised in Paris and London (!!!) and I want to meet him. Crush pressure, but you might like some of his other stuff. Kisses, Lani

Terri Mork Speirs said...

OK Lani, I'm pleased to say that yes indeed, I have heard of Corrine Baily Rae, I am familiar with her song, and I do like it. She's actually pretty adorable too. I promise to give MIKA another chance. I And by the way, I second what Bob says about coming over. Just come. Another promise: clean sheets on Amanda's bed especially for you. Amanda will be thrilled with a capital T and you can inspire her and Aidan to be glad they can speak Spanish, What a mean 'ol mama I am. :-) Love, T