Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dedicated to my most amazing LWR colleagues, past and present

i thank You God for this amazing

I thank you God for most this amazing Day:
For the leaping Greenly Spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky
and for everything which is natural which is infinite
which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today
and this is the sun's birthday
this is the birthday of life
and of love and wings
and of the gay green happening
illimitably earth)

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

how should tasting touching hearing
seeing breathing any
lifted from the no of all nothing
human merely being doubt
unimaginably you?

(how the ears of my ears awake and
how the eye3s of my eyes are opened)

Poem by ee cummings, courtesy of my dear friend Martha A.

* * *

Thanks, everyone, for a great week and an amazing 13 years. Especially for all the 'yesses' yet to come, as we join together around the point.

Time for Saturday morning swimming lessons. Got the ipod synched.

With love, T


Terri Mork Speirs said...

Just checking to see if my avatar thingie shows up here. T

Phillip Otterness said...

Hi Terri, just catching up on your blog... The Concordia Choir used to perform a choral version of that e.e. cummings poem! I think I have a copy... I'll have to figure out a way to share that with you.

Terri Mork Speirs said...

Really, Phil? Wow, that sounds amazing, speaking of. Thanks, T