Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sprinkle Sunshine on Each Other

A house with a swimming pool and a diving board.

That was Aidan's only criteria for what kind of house we should get. I assured him that we will never, Ever, NEVER get a swimming pool with a diving board. Liability. Lawsuits. Insurance. Drowning. Cost. Chemicals. Cancer. Climate change. Crocodiles. Wrinkles. Upkeep. Hassle. Mama panda's phobia that her babies will die in water. Let me count the reasons we will never get a house with a swimming pool and a diving board.

Unless it happens to be connected to Mama Panda's perfect country kitchen. And Papa Panda's green acre. Then we'll get the pool, diving board, and a water slide. Yes, friends, it's true. I'm now ready to tell you that it looks like we're getting a house with a big 'ol in ground pool. The deal is still in the works, so it ain't over 'til it's over. But so far, so good.

Bob scored a couple more cool points with Amanda when he told her that he personally knows "Agape" the local hip hop hero, who evidently performed at Camp WAPO last week. It was a rainy week, so instead of canoeing and hiking, they did Christian hip hop with Agape. Bob knows him from working with kids on the North side of Minneapolis. You know, all those kids with BMW rib cages. Smooth and steady and amazing; INCREDIBLE abilities to move parts of their body that normal human beings cannot move.

So there's an Agape song called "Sprinkle Sunshine" that is kind of a mover. Amanda likes it. I do too. A year ago I would have thought it way too sugary sweet. Not today. Today I'm all for sprinkling sunshine on each other and then singing about it. Plus, Agape's back up singers are darn good. Come to think of it, my Becky-at-work likes hip hop. I'll have to get her an Agape CD.

Speaking of sprinkling sunshine, try this one on. Today is Patrick's ordination. Amanda and I took Mom Speirs to the salon to prepare. She's as excited as anyone. While the Patterson family has moved out. Pastor Sekenwa's family have moved in; all the way from Nigeria. As many internationals do, Sekenwa has studied here alone for 2 years or so. He has a child that he hadn't even met yet until this past week. He's been preparing for months as his family maneuvered all that complicated visa paperwork to get here. And they are HERE! Sekenwa is smiling ear to ear. I know it will make the Patterson's so happy to hear about the family who moved into their apartment. (pronounced: Sa KEN wa) The ghosts of all of us kind of stick around.

And in a month we'll move out of our apartment. And into the house with a pool, diving board, water slide, and the perfect kitchen. And another family will move in.

Go ahead, it's OK. Sprinkle sunshine on each other.

With love, T

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