Monday, August 20, 2007

All Over the Map Tonight

Hello everyone and thank you for coming over to the liver blog. A thousand thanks for your words of well wishes for Bob's call. I can't tell you how joyful it has been already to be with the people of St. Johns in Des Moines.

When Bob returned from Des Moines last night Mom Speirs said, "You have returned home transformed into a pastor." That's right. He's been called by a parish, he's officially a pastor. The ordination is all the hoopla that stamps it official. But it's the work of the people that makes someone a pastor. The people of St. Johns in Des Moines have transformed Bob into a pastor. Well, actually, a lot of you had a lot to do with that too. Many, many, many of you. And I personally think it's a beautiful thing, how so many people from so many places and congregations can work together for good. It honestly took of all you to make this transformation happen.

So now we are living in fast speed. Accept call. Crunch numbers. Buy house. Breath after signing mortgage papers. Enroll the kids in school. Pack it all up. Move. New jobs. New everything. Got a couple of Sweet 16's to take care of too, almost a year late, but dog gone it's gonna happen. And oh yes, an ordination.

The long and short of the ordination -- I would say to think early October, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, New York. There are still many things to coordinate in terms of even determining an exact date, but that's coming soon hopefully. Because of course we want you all to come. Pastor Bob Nervig, Bob's mentor, is already thinking through the art. Don't you love that!

Today I start my check in week at LWR HQ in Baltimore. Got here in time to hear first hand about responding to the earthquake in Peru, growing better onions in West Africa, and safely maneuvering check points in Sri Lanka. Also chatted with colleague #3 who is dealing with mysterious all-consuming illness of spouse, and how LWR has backed us up all the way, from a personnel standpoint. I tell you, you just can't believe the group of people here and the work they do. Doesn't do much for my quest to make it through just one day without choking up.

Anywho, when I get melancholy, I turn to my poet laureate, Dave Matthews, so here's another terrific tune; kind of a jazzy little number all full of angst, with a touch of the African howly thingie that he can do with his voice. It's simply called #41. I have no idea of the lyrics. Just like the moodiness of it. And the joyful face of an artist at work. It's long, so you can do the dishes or yoga or something while you enjoy.

With love, T

P.S. I think it's also time to turn to Captain Underpants because I am getting way too serious and pensive. A review of the new book coming soon.

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