Sunday, March 11, 2007

With a Little Help from our Friends. Benefit Pictures.

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The best thing to do when your husband has a diva liver deliverance is to bring extra batteries for your camera at the subsequent benefit event. Especially if it is one of the most amazing events of your life. That way you can be sure to get more than 20 minutes worth of photos before the camera dies. Because you really just want to get pictures of all the 280 or so people who showed up.

This morning at church Mr. Kolstad, who handled the finances of it all, came up to me with more cards and mentioned the excel spread sheet that he had created. He shook his head and said he's never seen anything like this. I said me niether, and then asked,'You created an excel spread sheet?' The intracacies of the conduction of this event have boggled me. It seemed like an act of engineering brillance to put all this together. Everyone got a number at the front entrance. We saw people on the cell phone calling people upstairs to channel people from the bake sale to the dinner according to their number. Like the FBI was there or something.

In fact, the FBI was there because we got a card from an old friend, a former young intern in my office who is now working for the FBI. How did he hear about this? I suppose from his parents, who were also there. And another card from Mrs. Elsie Feistner from Madison, SD, who will get a whole blog dispatch dedicated to her because she was my first introduction to Lutheran World Relief. She and her stashes of school kits, soap, quilts, quilt making materials, and so much more.

In short, Bob and I are absolutely stunned. Honestly, we had no idea how big God's grace is. This morning Pastor Sue announced in church how much fruit the benefit yeilded, as in the dollar amount. I'm still processing that and am not quite ready to post it here. It's an insane figure.

Anyway, thanks a lot friends.

With love, T

1 comment:

Sue-s said...

How wonderful to see pictures of the benefit party and Mom Speirs' thank you party! I was part of the virtual cloud of partiers. Mmmm. It was wonderful.

On Sunday I thought of all of the "fruit-producing fig trees" in the Speirs' community! And, I can't hear that parable without being transported to Uganda where I visited with a woman and her cow. Even I could see the difference in the banana trees that had benefit of a nearby cow. Manure is a wonderful thing.

Blessings on your heads!
Lovies, Sue
P.S. Is there a nap in your future, Terri?