Sunday, March 25, 2007

Captain Underpants

Hello and welcome to the liver blog.

I wanted to tell you all that we have finally found a book series that Aidan likes and I have to say it totally cracks me up too. It's Captain Underpants and I just discovered that it has a pretty good website too. Even with a guide for adults. Captain Underpants Website

We are currently reading "Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People." It makes us laugh to watch Aidan laugh as we read about Captain Underpants, his evil twin Captain Blunderpants, and other characters like the Bionic Booger Boy, Super Diaper Baby, Wacky Wedgy Woman, and Granny Girdle. The very clever author, who calls his books 'epics,' must have come right out of Aidan's brain.

Anyway, the liver lizard crawled back in its hole and we enjoyed a lovely, lovely spring day. Quiet time. Good friends. And another episode of the Grease auditions show. Go Laura from Minnesota!

Hope you are all well. Peace and joy to you.

With love, T

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