Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mama Panda Snow Day

One thing I'll never adjust to since moving back from the east coast is this thing about never ever pausing to let bad weather pass. In the mornings, all I do is look outside and if it's a white-out we don't need official reports because it's a mama panda snow day. Why send things that need vision out to places where you can't see? I don't get it. Why not call off school and work. Everyone should stay home for the day. Knit, bake, and start the fireplace.

Isn't this view from our window pretty? Sun/snow catcher with thanks to Marian Van Dellen, another gift from Bob's Mayo Clinic admits.

In Baltimore they cancel school when it drizzles, like the other extreme. In NYC I always wondered why cancel when all you have to do is descend into the subways, but cancel they would. I learned to love snow days and got used to having a lot of them. After moving back to Minnesota I got into quite a trouble once when I decided to cancel out on a meeting, avoiding a 100 mile drive in 50 below windchill. That is no exaggeration. I couldn't make sense of that and was even more glad for my east coast bosses, who also couldn't make sense of it. Not like my Dad who has to drive nomatter what.

Anyway, prospects of snow didn't damper the campus bake sale yesterday. It was Bob's first walk up the hill and was just splendid. Our Margaret and Victoria Smith coordinated it all, with help from I don't know how many people. Jeni from Campus stopped by with another CD of music for me, all full of new stuff I've never heard of.

'It was a joy,' Victoria said to us. 'People just really wanted to help.' She said people were calling her right up until the sale to ask if they could bring something. I don't know about these benefits. It's like we want to invite people to come, but is it right to invite someone to your own benefit? 'Give me their name and I'll invite them,' Victoria says. So, if you're ever wondering what makes Luther Seminary so good, Victoria is one reason. Keeps everyone together and motivated and organized. On top of that, I've heard that she's an excellent faculty secretary, even to the point of giving out free chocolate on faculty appreciation day. With Victoria on your side, who can be against you? Not even a diva liver.

If you have snow, I hope you can enjoy it!

With love, T

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