Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Lorraine!

In celebration of Bob's sister Lorraine's birthday, I wanted to show you some of the portraits that I found on Amanda's camera. Not that I'm biased, but I think she has a pretty good eye, if I do say so myself.

And here's another Bob Speirs first -- today was his first time driving by himself. Got his license renewed 1,2,3 and off he went to the office store to get his new 2007 desk calendar and then to the Hoover store to get a new vacume belt. Fleet Farm and Menards coming up next. That's where he will get Lorraine's birthday present. A purse in the style of a fish or something like that.

So, here are a few pictures of Lorraine and the cute living things she loves -- ever handsome husband Aiman, purry furry Abbey, big heart brother Richie, and the most lovely Output of her personal hair designer. With thanks to our little Annie Lebowitz, aka Amanda.
I tried to upload some salsa music for the dancing I wish we were having together for the birthday party, but it just didn't work. I'm thinking of the salsa steps Lorraine taught me. . .

Happy birthday, Lorrie! Love, T

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