Thursday, April 26, 2007

What's the Point?

So this is what planning looks like at LWR. Lots-o-brilliant ideas, talented colleagues, and fabulous shoes. With thanks to Fran, although this picture only begins to do justice to these stylish sling backs and stunning goals.

The only thing is, I'm starting to wonder how the vision for peace and dignity for every one and every generation really works for me, because while others are taking in some karaoke -- boring old me is blogging in pajamas. I am so tired! And I can't even blame my kids or favorite liver.

Why? Oh, just dinners and conversations and dreams and workplans and friends and walking dogs among peppermint tulips. You should have seen the three very beautiful cousins of Shakira who showed up for a farewell party of a beloved colleague. Oh my goodness, just, well, imagine a whole room full of people laughing loudly for ten minutes straight. Good bye, Aleida! Thank you for teaching me how to spell Colombia (as in the country of, with an "o" not a "u").

Anyway, that is me here in Baltimore. And this is what I have waiting for me in St. Paul. A self portrait of one of the many points to all this.

Goodnight, friends!!! Thanks so much for coming over to the liver blog.

With love, T


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here trying to be very, very quiet while aaron is sleeping...but it's hard cuz your blog has me laughing, crying, and just generally making happy noises. It was so great to see you in B'more this week. We love getting to have you at HQ. Thanks for all you do... XO, lisa b.

Anonymous said...

Awesome self portrait of Aidan!! He is a natural photographer...