Wednesday, April 18, 2007


We keep saying that we're going to get into a schedule. Homework. Dinner. Early Bedtime. But then, it gets so nice outside and who wants to come in for homework, dinner, or early betime? When all the kids are outside riding their bikes, exploring the edge of the woods, playing baseball, learning karate, and dribbling the soccer ball. And then when you do come in for dinner, why not have pizza with your neighbors, along with a few glasses of wine. On a Tuesday night. Even though last night you also had dinner with another dear friend. And during that pizza, another neighbor comes over to inform you that a brother has died in Tanzania. And you are so sad. The neighbor prays for your thyroid cancer. You put the kids to bed. And then head upstairs to the brother of the one who died. And together you mourn in a living room full of community. Chai. Swahili songs. Prayer. Comfort.

You get back home and wonder what happened to your schedule. But when you live here, in this rich place, that's what you do. You flow in and around neighbors and friends, never forgetting how they walked with you in your valley of the shadow of death before the diva liver delivered.

Several people have said to me that when you get a cancer diagnosis then miracles start to happen. It's been four days and I already see them. Thanks, everyone, for your notes and expressions of love. Tomorrow is my meeting with the thyroid surgeon.

It's way too late to blog and I have to go to bed.

Peace, joy, and love, T


Anonymous said...

I'm back to my late-night "Speirs Check Up," hello from a loyal fan. It's also much too late for me to be up, but I have anthropology reading to do. WOOT! You know, I have some scarves, if you're interested. :) You have a beautiful neck, slightly more active than most, but you's how you do. ;) Seriously, though...what can I send you? Reading calls, I am on "reading week" after all...but I will check in tomorrow night. Kisses, say hi to Bob, Amanda, and Aidan. - Lani

KK's Mom said...

I'm so glad you are spending time with good friends and your family (immediate and extended) - people who love you. I'll be thinking of you, Terri, and praying for good news from the doc.

I'm still loving the music on the blog...who is that??


Terri Mork Speirs said...
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Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for quite a while now and you are an inspiration to everybody not only in the Luther community, but around the world as well. You are your family are in our prayers each day.
May God's loving arms wrap you up and hold you tight each and everyday.