Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Evolution of Everyone

Let me try this one on you. Women are more highly evolved.

What do you think of that idea? No, I'm not a man-hater, in fact quite the contrary. But I'm just thinking about women's tendencies to process things, plan things, think things through to the very minutest of details and repercussions. Women through out the history of time have been mostly kept in the realm of the home, the private arena. Since raising children is amazingly important, that is a good thing. However, we really don't know what our world would be like today if women also operated openly in the public arena through the centuries. And yes even though we are in a modern new millennium, if you take a look around it's mostly all men leading.

Women really need to be in leadership in both realms -- private and public. Home and world. Of course that is an impossible balancing act. We are amazingly tired from raising kids and going to work. Or amazingly sad that we don't have kids. Or amazingly lonely from being home alone. Or bored out of our minds for not having some big 'ol project to sink into. Or just trying to not feel guilty for going to core power yoga instead of to the kids' bus stop.

That's where the men need to come in. Men need to A.) protect women and B.) create situations that allow women to flourish in both realms. Because 1.) women are often physically bulled and 2.) when women do well so do the men. EVERYONE evolves.

In the field of international sustainable development it is a well accepted notion that when women are involved in the leadership of the project, whatever that project may be -- building a well, developing a school, organizing a community, raising food, reducing infant mortality -- the project is more successful. It's a documented fact. There is no dispute. (I'm not an expert on this, but my colleagues at LWR are.)

And I've met more and more men who get great satisfaction in the private realm. Cooking, caring for the kids, taking care of home stuff. When you think of it, home making is a fairly solitary venture and if I could generalize even more, men tend more often to be solitary beings.

So, why did I wake up on this topic this Saturday morning? Because last night I met with my cohort from the Leadership Institute at the College of St. Catherine. An amazing group of women who lead from the heart to create effective change in all their arenas: personal, professional, and volunteer.

Here they are, with apologies to Kimberly who is peaking out behind Barbara. L-R, Kris, Betsy, Lynae, Kimberly with Barbara in front, Georgine, Mary, me, Rosie. There's another whole half of the co-hort who wasn't able to come. We met once a month for a whole year to learn about leadership. Hello to you all if you're out there! Friends, these are highly accomplished, ethical, and innovative women. University professor. Principal. Organizational effectiveness consultants. Community education developers. Finance and program executives. Corporate and non-profit. Mothers, aunties, mentors.

And my dear husband came with me and loaded up on the intensity of our estrogen-charged circle power. It wasn't ESPN that's for sure. . . thanks honey! :-) And yet, like what women do, they surrounded him with attention and concern for his liver, his pastoral call, his whole being. That's what women do.

I'm telling you, let women do their thing. Don't hold us back. Don't be threatened. Protect us. Help us with the kids and the daily tasks. You will be better off. You will be loved more profoundly. And this whole planet will evolve too. I promise.

Now, after having said all this -- tonight I will meet with a man who is among the most evolved, incredible, courageous, inspiring, smart, handsome, charming and wonderful human beings ever. Hint: 100 percent pure Colombian. Yes, I'm bringing my digital camera so stay tuned. You don't wanna miss my next blog.

With much love, T

P.S. Continuing on the theme of cute dogs, here's Zeus. Zeus' mama, Lynae, is one of the funniest and smartest women I know. Sometimes I contact her outta the blue and she mentors me. She and Georgine have their own consulting business.

1 comment:

Terri Mork Speirs said...

I can't believe that no one is going to disagree with me on my theories of men and women. C'mon, you really are buying this??!!!! T